SPCS Innovations in Teaching
In 2013, the Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) developed standards for excellence and innovation in teaching and introduced 14 dimensions for innovation to the School’s faculty. In documenting these standards, committee members communicated the working definitions and assumptions noted below.
In 2015, AFAC invited faculty and staff to nominate inaugural recipients of the SPCS Innovations in Teaching award. The annual award recognizes a member of the adjunct faculty for innovations in teaching along the dimensions presented in the standards documentation. Awards are announced at the annual faculty awards ceremony, held during spring faculty meetings.
Past Winners
- 2024: Daniel L. Hocutt, Liberal Arts
- 2023: Bruce McKechnie, Paralegal Studies
- 2022: Susan Wilkes, Human Resource Management
- 2021: Phyllis C. Katz, Nonprofit Studies
- 2020: Karen Richardson, Education
- 2019: Drew Baker, GC’08, Education & Ryan Conway, ’96, Education
- 2018: Erik Laursen, Education
- 2017: Sarah Beth Calveric, Education
- 2016: Dirk Burruss, Information Systems
Submit Your Nomination
Nominations should be submitted by December 5 to Dr. Kate Cassada, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Completed nomination forms should be submitted as email attachments to kcassada@richmond.edu.
Criteria for Nomination
- Adjunct faculty member in SPCS
- Exhibits high level of innovation in the classroom
- Generates impact on student learning
- Role model for other faculty
- Exhibits creativity in the classroom
Two or more people may collaborate on the nomination. Nominations may be made by:
- SPCS adjunct faculty members (self-nominations are welcome)
- SPCS program chairs
- SPCS students
- Other SPCS faculty members
Defining Innovation
”Innovation is the creation of better or more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are accepted by markets, governments, and society. Innovation differs from invention in that innovation refers to the use of a new idea or method, whereas invention refers more directly to the creation of the idea or method itself.” — Wikipedia, October 2012
Some Characteristics of Educational Innovation
Adapted from Reform and Innovation in Higher Education: A Literature Review
- Shift from lecturer to facilitator
- Shift from “sage on the stage” to “guide on the side”
- Helping students learn about and respect other cultures
- Helping students value diversity
- Helping students address the transitional challenges they face which are not typically part of a formal curriculum
- Linking and coordinating the curriculum with out-of-classroom experiences
- Facilitating group projects and active learning, using problem-oriented assignments
- Emphasis on interdisciplinary teaching and curriculum helps students understand connections between various ways of looking at the world through different disciplinary lenses
- Emphasis on examples and processes rather than memorizing facts
- Service learning builds empathy
- Faculty member as community builder
- Undergraduates involved in faculty research in similar way to graduate research assistants
Directions for the Future of Learning
Adapted from: 2020 Forecast: Creating the Future of Learning, The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age, Future of Learning 2030 & 10 Principles for the Future of Learning
- Learner-directed learning
- Decreasing role of “expert”
- Networked workplace
- Decreasing half-life of knowledge
- Growing complexity and expectations
- Rising life expectancy
- Following curiosity and creating meaning
- Continuous learning and adaptability
- Need for growing interdisciplinarity
- Increasing collaboration across borders and boundaries
Role of Higher Education in This Future
Adapted from: The Future of Higher Education (Pew), The Future of Higher Education (Columbia), Student Engagement through Choice, Curiosity, and Interest: The Implicit Connections of Learning (Georgia), New Dynamics of Higher Education and Research for Societal Change and Development (UNESCO) & World Declaration on Higher Education for the Twenty-First Century: Vision and Action (UNESCO)
- Build an innovative and diverse knowledge society
- Use a new vision and paradigm of higher education, which should be student-oriented, catering to ever more diversified categories of people
- Respond to the social responsibility to advance our understanding of multifaceted issues
- Go beyond cognitive mastery of disciplines
- Develop divergent thinking which is necessary for creativity — the ability to see multiple answers and multiple ways of interpreting questions
- Provide solid skills for success in the present, and in the world of the future
- Promote critical thinking and active citizenship
- Aid students in learning from and with each other with the support of a faculty member “coach”
- Help students learn how to learn — Focus on ways to look at problems and solutions, rather than on facts
- Advance research, innovation and creativity
- Lead society in generating global knowledge to address global challenges
- Contribute to the education of ethical citizens
- Address different types of learners
- Meet students where they are, provide choice, an opportunity to follow curiosity and the ability to discover their passion
- Provide an active, technology-rich learning environment that appeals to the technology-connected learner who knows how to find information easily
- Maintain student connection and interaction, and individualized attention, even when students are not in the same room, using available technology and innovative teaching methods
- Use more visual learning tools like video to keep students engaged
- Adapt learning approaches quickly to changes in technology and in the world
- Place certain forms of content online, reserving more class time for discussion, inquiry and participatory activities
- Respond to and anticipate social needs
- Provide equitable access to technologies that are improving the ways in which knowledge can be produced, managed, disseminated, accessed and controlled
- Use new methods of testing that will promote not only powers of memory but also powers of comprehension, skills for practical work and creativity
- Invest in the training of faculty and staff in evolving teaching and learning systems
- Provide open access to scientific literature
- Provide access to both broad general education and targeted, career-specific education, often interdisciplinary, that equips individuals to live and work in a variety of changing settings
- Reinforce the University’s role of service to society, mainly through an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach in the analysis of problems and issues
- Help society, which is currently undergoing a profound crisis of values, transcend economic considerations and incorporate deeper dimensions of morality and spirituality
- Promote humanistic values and intercultural dialogue and cooperation
- Reflect international, regional and national dimensions in both teaching and research
- Aim at the creation of a new society — non-violent and non-exploitative
- Provide the opportunity for students to fully develop their own abilities with a sense of social responsibility, educating them to become full participants in democratic society and promoters of changes that will foster equity and justice
- Create new learning environments, ranging from distance education facilities to complete virtual higher education institutions and systems, capable of bridging distances and developing high-quality systems of education
- Create mutually beneficial partnerships with communities and civil societies to facilitate sharing of knowledge
Dimensions in Teaching and Faculty Expectations
For each dimension of innovation in teaching (in the left column), there is a list of actions to the right that range from expected actions for faculty members (at the top) to advanced activities that are suggested (at the bottom).
Dimension | Faculty Actions |
Demonstrate the highest level of ethics and integrity |
Honor principles for the future of learning |
Know what’s going on in the community and the world |
Research to maintain current knowledge in your field(s) |
Understand student needs |
Teach real world applications |
Use effective facilitation skills |
Actively engage students |
Take accountability for student success |
Demonstrate flexibility/adaptability |
Collaborate |
Use technology to enhance engagement |
Organize your teaching |
Participate in professional development regularly |