Member Benefits

Scheduled Courses and Programs

Members may enroll year-round for Osher Institute courses and programs, Fall, Spring and Summer, announced online and in print in early August, December and May.

Course Audit Opportunities

Osher Institute members may audit selected University of Richmond credit classes. Each course must be appropriate for audit, the instructor must approve and accept the student, and there must be a seat available. Interested members should contact the Osher staffers, who will provide timelines and directions and will handle the necessary arrangements for each audit request.

Osher Interest Groups

Formed and led by Osher members, our vibrant Osher interest groups are another way to interact with other Osher members. UR Osher Institute membership is required for interest group participants.

University of Richmond Network ID and Gmail

Osher Institute members are eligible to set up a University network ID and password that will allow them to receive University “SpiderBytes” of upcoming events posted at “Gmail.” Instructions for setting up your network ID and password, and your “Gmail” account can be found on the Information Services Website. A network ID and password are necessary for participation in some Osher classes in which students use on-campus computers, and for on-campus access to Boatwright Library computers and online databases.

Speech Center

If you are considering a speaking assignment, the University Speech Center would like to offer support. Individuals may schedule practice time on a wide variety of visual aids, including PowerPoint, overhead transparencies, and audio support. Peer tutoring sessions are available with any of the student speech consultants at times designed to suit clients’ schedules. There is no charge and reservations are required. To make a reservation or for more information on the Speech Center, go to

One Card: University of Richmond ID Card

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute members are eligible for the University of Richmond “One Card” which can be used to:

  • Check out books at the Boatwright Library
  • Receive discounts at the faculty/staff rate for University events (season tickets excluded).
  • Use the One Card as a debit “SpiderCard” after the member deposits funds by calling (804) 289-8769 or online at

The Osher Institute office staff will contact newly enrolled Osher Institute members when their enrollment forms and fees have been processed for One Card eligibility. To receive your One Card (this includes having your picture taken), stop by the One-Card Services office, open between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, located in the Heilman Dining Center, next to the post office.

Boatwright Memorial Library

All Osher Institute members may enjoy the following privileges at the Boatwright Memorial Library:

  • Borrowing books, audiobooks and music recordings
  • Use of more than 120 online library databases that can be accessed from the UR campus via a network ID and password.
  • Participating in the library workshop series offered by the library each fall and spring, usually in the second half of the semester; details available from library staff. The workshop series is offered in addition to the library classes offered through OLLI.

Additionally, Boatwright librarians have developed a library guide to Osher-specific information and resources especially for members.

Campus Parking and Map

Osher members receive a vehicle tag for parking on campus valid for the current year of Osher Institute membership. The tag must be displayed at all times when parking on campus, and is to be placed inside the rear window on the driver’s side. Osher member parking is allowed in posted Commuter parking areas and a selection of additional lots located around campus, shown in yellow on the Osher-specific parking map. With your Osher parking tag properly displayed, you may also park in other lots on campus after posted hours. Parking is allowed ONLY on paved, designated parking spaces. Handicapped parking is available for Osher members with valid handicapped parking tags. All campus buildings and parking areas are detailed on the UR campus map at

Transportation Shuttles

The University offers a number of transportation shuttles that can be used by Osher members. Visit the University’s Transportation page to review schedules and routes. Pay attention to semester breaks and inter-sessions, when transportation option are subject to change and temporary suspension.

Modlin Center

Osher Institute members who are eligible for Senior (65+) discounts may use these on single ticket purchases to Modlin Arts Presents performances. Visit the Modlin Center Discounts page for details. Series purchases are also available to all patrons, both in the UR Community (including Osher members) and in the general public, at a rate that is lower than the individual ticket rate.

University Bookstore

Each semester the Bookstore stocks a few copies of books listed as required for Osher Institute classes. Osher members are always welcome at the bookstore, where a wide variety of books and merchandise may be purchased.

Campus Dining Options

University Dining Services offers a number of locations on campus for purchasing snacks and meals. While Heilman Dining Center is the largest of these establishments, there are several other dining locations around campus. Visit the Dining Services page for more information, including menus, prices and locations.

Technology Learning Center (TLC)

For Member Instructors: The TLC is available for use by Osher Institute members who teach for the Osher Institute. Member instructors will need a valid One Card and an activated University network ID and password. TLC resources include a Macintosh and PC production lab and training materials available for checkout. Help is available from student lab assistants. Priority for use of equipment and lab assistance is given to undergraduates working on academic projects. The TLC is located on the 3rd floor of the Boatwright Library. More information is available online at or by calling (804) 289-8772.

Campus Orientation Tours

Come learn more about the beautiful University of Richmond campus and the many opportunities for learning and fun. Did you know, for example, that we have a mummy on campus? Have you enjoyed our beautiful walking trails? Led by Osher Institute members, campus tours take place after daytime programs and are available by appointment throughout the semester by calling the Osher Institute office at (804) 287-6344 or (804) 287-6608.

Campus Walks/Hikes

Join us for a walking tour of the beautiful University of Richmond campus. Led by Osher members, the tours showcase what the dynamic UR campus has to offer. Learn about the history and architecture of UR, find out about available academic and cultural resources, explore some secluded spots on campus, and listen to a few interesting stories along the way.

Campus walks are scheduled as Osher Special Events, and dates are listed in each catalog.

Community Programs

In addition to these benefits, many free events are open to members of the general public. Osher Institute members are encouraged to check out some of these great community programs.