Discuss a Course Proposal
Do you have a great idea for a professional education course that would appear in a future Think Again schedule? If so, we’d like to hear from you!
Here are a few ways to prepare for your conversation with a program manager about your course idea.
1. Be sure we don’t already offer the course.
Sounds obvious, but before you suggest a course, be sure it’s not already being offered. Conduct a few keyword searches and review relevant categories in the current schedule and Areas of Study to be sure the course is not already being offered.
2. Be sure our online partners don’t already offer the course.
This is a little less obvious, but worth checking out. If one of our online partners offers a similar course, your proposal will need to make a compelling argument for offering the course content in a face-to-face or different online environment.
3. Be sure the course can fit into one of our areas of study.
Our courses are designed to complement, rather than compete with, existing programs offered through all schools of the University of Richmond. As a result, we offer classroom-based and online professional education and lifelong learning courses that fit into specific areas of study. View these categories by visiting our Areas of Study page or the Think Again schedule. If your proposed class doesn’t fit one of these areas, there’s a good chance we won’t be able to offer it.
4. Prepare to provide a course outline.
Every course we offer includes an instructor-developed outline of the topics to be covered in the class. This outline provides instructors a clear sense of the outcomes they predict students will achieve, and it also meets requirements of the University of Richmond’s accreditation.
If you’re ready to take the next step, contact a program manager using the form. One of our managers will be in touch by phone or email. Thanks for your interest in proposing a Think Again class!