Non-Degree Seeking Application
Undergraduate and graduate classes without prerequisites may be taken for enrichment and career advancement. Classes might address a specific competence, provide specialized knowledge or teach a software application that, when learned, will advance your career or prepare you for a promotion or new position.
Enrolling as a non-degree seeking (NDS) student is easy, and there is no application fee.
NDS Application Process
- Complete the Non-Degree Seeking Application
- Receive your University ID by mail
- Activate your networking account
- Registrar for the class in BannerWeb
- Attend class as scheduled in BannerWeb
As a NDS student, you are accepted under the SPCS Catalog of record and held to the policies and guidelines of the Honor Code, the School of Professional and Continuing Studies, and the University of Richmond.
There are limits and requirements for admission as a non-degree seeking (NDS) student, especially to graduate study, which are detailed below.
Note for Professional Educators
Applicants working in an educational setting and seeking coursework for professional development should visit the Professional Development for Educators page to apply.