Professional Development for Educators
At the University of Richmond, we train and value educators. As a result, the School of Professional & Continuing Studies offers graduate classes each semester to meet the professional development needs of Central Virginia’s professional educators and school leaders.
We recognize the unique needs and schedules of professional educators. Most of our faculty are current or former public school teachers and administrators, so they recognize that teachers need classes at particular times on specialized subjects at a price that’s affordable.
That’s why we offer professional development classes for educators at times and in formats that are convenient to educators. We offer classes during fall, spring and summer terms. We offer in-person classes on the University of Richmond campus in late afternoons or early evenings. We also offer online asynchronous classes, which are instructor-led, self-paced learning experiences, and online synchronous classes, which are live, remote instruction experiences. And we combine the best of online learning and in-person interaction in hybrid classes, too.
That’s also why we offer professional development classes for educators at a substantial discount. A 3-credit graduate class costs $800 — 60% less than the standard graduate tuition rate.
What We Offer
We offer professional development coursework for educators in the following categories:
- Initial and Renewal Licensure: Undergraduate and graduate initial licensure, graduate renewal coursework
- Completing Provisional Licensure: Classes for provisionally licensed teachers seeking to complete VDOE licensure requirements
- Earning Add-on Teaching Endorsements: Classes that can be applied to VDOE teaching endorsements in Gifted Education, Special Education and English as a Second Language
- Professional Learning Series: In-demand specialization topics for educators, including Adult Coaching & Mentoring, Language & Literacy and Social Emotional Learning
- Career Advancement: Earn graduate degrees in Curriculum & Instruction and Educational Leadership & Policy Studies
- Integrated Teaching & Learning: Classes that train teachers to work with local artists and communities to provide arts and technology integrated learning experiences across the curriculum.