Master of Human Resource Management
The Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM) degree consists of graduate-level courses designed for professionals seeking a deeper theoretical and practical understanding of management principles related to human resources.
Courses examine traditional functions such as recruitment and retention, development and compensation and benefits. The program also covers emerging disciplines like HR information systems and leadership theory, the impact of globalization and workforce diversity.
With small class sizes (the average is 12-15 students) and adjunct professors who are themselves working professionals in the HR sector, our HRM classes provide opportunities to study cutting-edge theory and to apply that theory in real-world settings — sometimes even the next day at work.
MHRM and HRM graduate certificate students study together in core classes, providing rich opportunities to learn from peers who are currently working in the HR sector.
The MHRM requires 30 semester hours of graduate coursework split between six core courses and four 600-level courses. The degree does not require a thesis, and we accept up to six semester hours of applicable transfer work.
Degree Requirements
MHRM Program of Study
Total: 30 semester hours
18 semester hours
HRM531U Human Resource Management
HRM532U Legal Issues in Human Resource Management
HRM533U Quantitative Analysis and Research in HRM
HRM534U Strategic Human Resource Development
ECON507U Labor Economics
PSYC530U Organizational Psychology
12 semester hours. HRM697U is required. Students may then choose 3 of the remaining 600-level courses to complete the requirement.
HRM697U Strategy and Policy (required)
HRM635U Managing Compensation and Benefits
HRM638U HRM Leadership Theory and Application
HRM639U Recruitment and Retention
HRM644U Diversity in Organizations
HRM645U Organization Development and Change
HRM647U Human Resource Information Systems
HRM650U Labor Relations
HRM657U HRM in the Global Environment
HRM659U Managing Human Capital Risk
HRM696U Directed Research