PreK-12 Teaching
The School of Professional & Continuing Studies provides pathways to teacher licensure at undergraduate and graduate levels in addition to graduate and noncredit coursework for professional development. We seek to be the Richmond region’s premier provider of teacher licensure and professional development for PreK-12 education.
Undergraduate Elementary Licensure Pathway
Our Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts (BALA) concentration in Elementary Education prepares students for initial elementary teacher licensure while completing a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts. Applicants considering this pathway to teacher licensure should seek to complete an associate’s degree in teacher preparation at a local community college, then apply to the BALA in Liberal Arts.
Graduate Licensure Pathway
Our Master of Teaching (MT) prepares students who’ve already earned a bachelor’s degree to become classroom teachers at elementary and secondary levels. Applicants considering this pathway should have an earned bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university. Applicants should provide Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) scores when applying.
Provisional Licensure Support
We’ve partnered with local school divisions to provide additional support for provisionally licensed educators in high need schools seeking to fulfill their licensure requirements. Learn more about our Provisional Licensure Support (PLuS) program, including opportunities for current MT students and provisionally licensed educators working in local schools.
Professional Development Coursework
Our professional development classes for educators offer deeply discounted graduate coursework for current educators. Areas include provisional licensure, working with English language learners, gifted education, special education, social and emotional learning (including trauma-informed care) and educational coaching. We also offer noncredit arts integration training and instructional coaching for professional development through Partners in the Arts.