Careers in Nonprofit Studies
The nonprofit sector has exploded over the past three decades, both in the US and abroad. Nationally, approximately 9% of GDP is produced by nonprofits and the nonprofit sector employs about 8% of the workforce. In Richmond and the surrounding counties, nonprofit organizations employ over 28,000 workers and expend nearly $4 billion annually.
According to a recent survey by The Bridgespan Group, leadership development and succession planning are the greatest organizational weaknesses faced by nonprofits.
Turnover among the nonprofit executive director positions is tremendous, due to retirement, burnout, or lack of skills to adequately run a successful organization. Many have specialized in a program role and are suddenly thrust into a position in which they are not equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed.
In addition, employees in nonprofits are seeking educational opportunities to match the complexity of their organizations.
As a result, careers in nonprofits are available at all levels. Some job titles available in nonprofits include positions that exist in many other business and corporations.
- Accountant
- Administrative Assistant
- Event planner
- Manager
- President
- Programmer
- Researcher
- Salesperson
- Teacher
Other job titles are more directly and clearly focused on nonprofits, including:
- Advocate
- Community organizer
- Grant writer
- Program director
- Volunteer resources administrator
Combining specialized knowledge and experience with nonprofit management and leadership, like that provided through our graduate program in nonprofit studies, will prepare you to work for, lead, develop, or even found a nonprofit organization.