Portfolio Preparation
As an adult student, there is a good chance that you are eligible to earn college credits for learning that has occurred on your job, through volunteer work or on your own. Every year SPCS students successfully earn credits in topics such as marketing, leadership, English, speech and other disciplines by creating a learning portfolio. Students can earn up to 15 semester hours toward a bachelor's degree (three semester hours maximum applied to the major). A list of portfolios submitted is available online, and completed portfolios are available for review.
In order to submit a portfolio, a student must enroll in ADED 200: Experiential Learning and Portfolio Preparation. This course counts as a humanities elective and provides students with the necessary information about how to determine if submitting a portfolio is the right decision for them.
Learning Portfolio
Portfolio preparation is a vigorous, academic process that demands critical thinking, organizing and writing skills. However, it is also a process that can help you meet your goals around degree completion faster. Take a look at the Portfolio Preparation Handbook to see if enrolling in ADED 200 is right for you. If you still have questions after reviewing this material, contact the SPCS office to discuss your concerns with an advisor or faculty member.
If you've decided to prepare a learning portfolio for assessment, the documents below will be useful.
Information for Assessors
As an assessor, your role is to determine whether a student has proven that he or she has comparable learning to passing a 3-hour semester course. Assessing a portfolio involves an initial meeting with a student to discuss expectations, review the syllabus and answer any questions. Please see our Assessor’s Guidelines for details.
If you need additional information after reviewing the Handbook, please contact Jada Banks at 804-317-5099 or email at jbanks@richmond.edu