News & updates about SPCS

What Drives Us?
At SPCS, we’re driven by our mission, vision and values; by our guiding principles for teaching and learning; by our strategic plan; and by our history.Established at Grace & Lombardy as University College
Renamed the School of Continuing Studies
Renamed the School of Professional & Continuing Studies
Visit us on the UR campus

By the Numbers
The mission of the School of Professional & Continuing Studies is to enrich lives and careers for the 21st century. We engage Richmond’s learners across a wide range of programs, including degree program students and alumni, professional education classes and programs, lifelong learning experiences and the Osher Institute. Here’s a quick snapshot capturing some of our student groups.
Degree-seeking students, per semester
Osher Institute members, 2019-20
Degree-program alumni since 1963
Since 1962, when then-President George Modlin and founding Dean Martin Schotzberger envisioned a place which would meet the lifelong learning needs of working professionals, we’ve been writing the story of regular people. For some, it is a story of professional triumph; for others, it is a story of personal fulfillment; and for still others, it is a story of educational empowerment. Regardless of which chapter you read, the theme of the SPCS story has remained constant — we are deeply committed to providing courses and events that enrich lives and careers.