Timeline & Next Steps
We adopted a collaborative, integrative, four-phased approach to our strategic plan.
Phase 1 – Foundation Establishment included preliminary interviews with planning participants and key University and School leaders to understand the situation and establish alignment on purpose and goals. During Phase 1, we outlined our approach and process, set our timeline and defined deliverables.
Phase 2 – Landscape Assessment included extensive primary and secondary research to assess our current landscape. We examined current local, regional and national trends and explored future predictors. We utilized a mix of focus groups, interviews and surveys to gather data.
Phase 3 – Plan Development employed working groups to evaluate initiatives and develop recommendations for implementation. The final draft of the plan was shared with members of our key stakeholder groups.
Phase 4 – Plan Implementation uses feedback we gathered in Phase 3, along with assessment of priorities based on initial reports from our working groups, to inform our implementation plan.
Key First-Year Milestones by Term
Summer 2017
- Review and feedback on final draft of the plan by key stakeholder groups
- Initial implementation plan developed
Fall 2017
- Strategic plan shared publicly
- Implementation plan shared with key stakeholder groups
- Implementation begins with Immediate Priorities (year 1)
Spring 2018
- Implementation continues with Immediate Priorities
- Planning begins for implementation of Short Term Priorities (years 2-3)