Information for Adjunct Faculty

Welcome from Tom Shields, Associate Dean

headshot of Tom ShieldsIt is my pleasure to welcome you as a member of the SPCS adjunct faculty! Adjunct faculty are the heart and soul of SPCS degree programs. In addition to our academic advisors, yours are the faces and identities students most often connect to the School and its values.

We hire adjuncts intentionally, not because doing so is less expensive for the University, and not because we’re seeking to “adjunctify” the institution — but because adjuncts who are scholar practititioners are the best teachers for our degree-seeking students.

Adjuncts like you bring your professional experience directly from the office into the classroom, providing students the benefit of real-world application of theories learned in class. Because most of our students are themselves working professionals, your work as an adjunct models the kind of lifelong learning we expect our students to engage in throughout their careers.

We appreciate your willingness to give of your time, considerable talents, and abilities on behalf of our degree-seeking students. And we want to make your experience as positive, supportive, and smooth as possible. This section of our website, commissioned and updated by the Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee, brings together all the processes and resources you’ll need to know in order to make the best of your teaching experience.

On behalf of the School, the University, and the Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee, thank you for your work on behalf of our students!

Tom Shields signature
Thomas J. Shields, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, SPCS

Processes & Resources

Two faculty members
Processes Processes represent the activities you’ll be expected to complete once or repeatedly.
Two faculty members
Resources Resources are referenced among Processes but can be accessed more directly in this section.

Adjunct Faculty Advisory Council (AFAC)

headshot of  Patricia C. Abrams
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Education
Member, AFAC
(804) 289-8133
headshot of  Lyle Elton Evans
Adjunct Associate Professor, Education
Adjunct Associate Professor, Human Resource Management
Adjunct Associate Professor, Nonprofit Studies
Member, AFAC
(804) 289-8133
headshot of  Jana Price Leonard
Adjunct Professor, Paralegal Studies
Member, AFAC
(804) 289-8133
headshot of  Lee  Meeks
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Information Systems
Member, AFAC
(804) 289-8133
headshot of  William (Bill) Lee Roberts
Adjunct Professor, Liberal Arts
Member, AFAC
(804) 289-8133
headshot of  Jennifer J. Smith-Slabaugh
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Nonprofit Studies
Member, AFAC
(804) 289-8681