Message from the Dean
As I better get to know the Spider family as dean, I find myself listening carefully to the stories our faculty, staff, students and alumni tell about what the School of Professional and Continuing Studies means to them.
Those stories — YOUR stories — tell of meeting head-on the challenges of going to school while raising families, caring for loved ones, holding down jobs, and being engaged in the life of the University.
More importantly, your stories tell of success, of graduating and continuing your role as influential members of the personal and professional communities to which you belong. Your stories inspire me, and they remind me of the reason I do what I do.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the School. It’s a great time to be part of the SPCS family, and I look forward to working with you in the months and years ahead. I hope to see you on campus for an SPCS-sponsored event, attending a class or cheering on the Spiders at an athletic competition.
As UR alumni and SPCS graduates, you are already members of the SPCS Alumni Association. I encourage you to actively engage with your alumni association by getting to know the association board members, participating in University activities designed for alumni like Homecoming and Reunions, and joining in the activities planned by the association for SPCS alumni, including those events that continue funding our SPCS scholarships.
Best wishes for continued success.
Jamelle S. Wilson, Dean