Professional & Personal Development Fund Policy

SPCS staff are eligible with pre-approval to request funds for professional and personal growth and development according to the following guidelines (fiscal year runs July 1–June 30):

  • Full-time (30 hours/week or more) staff – up to $2,000/fiscal year
  • Part-time (20-29 hours/week) staff – up to $1,000/fiscal year
  • Directors and above – up to $3,000/fiscal year

Further, all reimbursements must follow the University of Richmond Travel Policy for reimbursement and are subject to the additional guidelines that follow.

Approved Activities

SPCS funds may be used to support professional and personal growth and development activities, such as attendance and presentations at local, state and national conferences and meetings (including travel, airfare or driving), seminars, and enrollment in courses that lead to career enhancement, including graduate study at any accredited institution of higher education, or that are directly related to the nature of the work of the staff member.

If funding is requested for professional or personal growth, such activities should be identified and approved in the Performance Feedback and Development Program (performance review process).

Time out of the Office and Mileage Expenses

Employees may be approved time off by their supervisor for meetings, events, pre-conference, and conference sessions. Employees may be approved to have accommodations the night before the pre-conference/conference begins and the last day of the conference. If driving, an employee’s reimbursement for mileage cannot exceed the standard 30-day pre-purchase airfare cost. No additional travel days will be granted for driving or personal excursions; an employee must charge the additional time to accrued paid time off.


Hotel rates vary widely. It is expected that employees will exercise prudent business judgment concerning cost and comfort and use the conference negotiated rates, or the most cost-effective rates available.


The reasonable cost of meals, including tips, is reimbursable to employees while away from the University. Detailed/itemized receipts as well as the charge slip are required for reimbursement. A detailed business purpose must be given for all meals submitted for reimbursement. All reported expenses for business meetings and entertainment of others must include the business purpose. If a meal is being reimbursed, a list of everyone whom the meal covered must be supplied with the reimbursement request. Recognition meals for employees may be reported as business meals. Any additional expenses require the prior approval of the Dean.

Professional Development Report

When attending a multi-day conference or seminar, employees should prepare a concise report that highlights data or information that may be of value to colleagues in SPCS. At least one professional growth opportunity for the employee or SPCS should be included in this report.

Administration of Budget and Policy

Associate Deans oversee direct reports and divisional funds. Directors oversee departmental and direct reports funds. If a department exhausts its funds, the Associate Deans have the discretion to reallocate budgeted funds within their divisions. Further, the Associate Deans are permitted to request additional funds from another division so long as the aggregate does not exceed SPCS budgeted funds. Any of these alternate funding mechanisms must be reviewed by the Director of Administrative and Technical Services for budgetary approval.

Requests for funding must be made in advance of the activity in consultation with the employee’s immediate supervisor, using the SPCS Use of Funds Request Form. This form requires the approval of the immediate supervisor and the director of administrative, technical & financial services (budget approval).

Any employee requesting travel requiring an overnight stay more than twice in a fiscal year requires the Dean’s approval. Any departmental unit sending a majority of its employees to a conference will provide adequate business coverage while away and communicate such to the Associate Deans.

Budget restrictions in any given fiscal year (July 1–June 30) may be cause for these amounts to be reduced or eliminated.

Policy revised 1/1/2015