New Membership Purchase

You may now purchase memberships online! Follow the prompts below for assistance through the process.

1. Visit the online registration portal and read the instructions on the portal page.

online registration portal

2. Select the “Sign In/New Account” button at the top of the page.

sing in button

3. Select the “Create Account” button.

Create account

4. Complete the form and submit. Unless your are a UR faculty or staff member or dependent, you do not have a UR ID. Skip that field.

complete form

5. Once you complete this form, you should be logged in. Confirm “Hello, [Your Name]” appears at the top of the page.

confirm hello message

6. You may now initiate your membership purchase by visiting the MEMBERSHIPS & RENEWALS area.

Membership and Renewal

7. Select the link under Osher Membership (New or Renewal) that reads “Membership runs for a full 12-month period...”

new membership

8. Select membership level from the dropdown, then Add to Cart. UR Osher is available only to UR employees and dependents.

Level and Add to Cart

9. Ensure membership appears as you expect it to in the cart, then Continue Checkout.

Complete Required Fields

10. Enter required membership details. These are required fields, but you may opt out of answering those related to demographics is you prefer.

Required fields

11. Complete transaction and make payment.