Recently Added Courses

The classes listed below were added to the schedule after its online release.

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  • EDUC 680U Content Specialization and Research I
    Course Offerings

    Summer Term: 8-Week (8)

    Laura Kuti

    CRN: 30184 (section: 1)
    Semester hours: 3
    Fee: $2,163

    Online. 2-3 required remote sessions via Zoom, schedule TBD.


    Review of basic knowledge and skills required for reading, interpreting, and evaluating, followed by the examination of step-by-step procedures for planning, implementing, and evaluating classroom research.

  • ENGL 354U The Global Short Story
    Course Offerings

    Summer Term: 6-Week I (VI1)

    Erik Nielson

    CRN: 30174 (section: 1)
    Semester hours: 3
    Fee: $1,725

    Online. No scheduled class meetings.


    Covers the short story in a global context, examining the ways authors from a variety of eras and cultures have approached short fiction. From the dark romanticism of Hawthorne to the magical realism of Marquez - and many stops in between - the course features works with a broad range of themes, styles, and techniques, all to demonstrate the ways that short fiction has been a unique laboratory for literary experimentation and innovation. The course places an emphasis on class discussion.


    ADED 301U

  • HUM 598U Selected Topics: The Green Book
    Course Offerings

    Summer Term: 6-Week I (VI1)
    Tuesday 6:00 pm - 9:15 pm

    Johnathan Harris

    CRN: 30175 (section: 1)
    Semester hours: 3
    Fee: $2,163

    Remote online with class meetings as scheduled.


    Students will explore the experiences of African American travel during the Civil Rights Era, emphasizing the significant role of transportation in the liberation struggle for freedom and equality. The use of Victor Hugo Green's "The Green Book," an African American travel guide, which first published in the late 1930’s, will serve as the main catalyst for this course. Through this lens, students will engage with historical texts, film analyses, and interactive assignments to deeply understand the challenges and triumphs faced while navigating the landscapes of segregation and resistance in America.